Take the first step to bone health
Low estrogen levels during perimenopause and menopause is directly related to bone loss and osteoporosis. If not treated, it can lead to such issues as increased risk of fractures, loss of height, and many more.
Bone health depends on the balance of two types of cells - osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Osteoclasts break down bone tissue for later re-absorption, while osteoblasts develop new bone. As our estrogen gets reduced with age and due to environmental factors, osteoclasts (bone breaking cells) become more active and we start losing more bone than we produce. In addition to maintaining balance between the two types of cells, estrogen also ensures that female bodies absorbs and retains calcium efficiently.
The direct link between optimal estrogen and levels and bone health makes hormone replacement therapy a proven tool for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Start by discussing your symptoms with a physician trained in hormone therapy and request a comprehensive blood test to determine your hormone levels.
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is prescribed specifically to return the hormones women and men lose over the course of their lives to optimal levels. The ‘bio-identical’ part means that molecular structure of hormones used in this type of therapy is identical to the hormones a human body produces naturally. As we age, our hormones (such as estrogen and testosterone in women and testosterone in men) decline, which results in a wide range of health issues that millions of us struggle with every day. For example, did you know that hormone imbalance is associated with issues like weight gain, insomnia, anxiety, decreased cognitive function, mood swings, loss of sex drive and more? But that’s just part of aging, right? Wrong! Aging should not mean ‘suffering’ and there is a solution. That solution is bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (or BHRT for short). Review the information on this page and give us a call at 720.446.5190 to schedule a consultation to start living a full life again.
Here at HealthLogicMD, we have partnered with BioTE Medical - the #1 source of bio-identical hormone treatment - to provide BHRT in the form of subcutaneous pellets that are custom dosed for each patient. Read more below to find out BHRT works and what to expect when you visit our clinic.
"I had been doing a different type of hormone treatment but I didn’t seem to get results. I would recommend this to anyone 100% and I definitely look forward to the future and to feeling much better and continuing on this path."
Led by Dr. Inna Trey MD, HealthLogicMD is a hormonal optimization and functional medicine clinic. We specialize in prevention and treatment of hormone imbalance health issues. Our goal is not to mask symptoms but to fix the underlying issues, so our patients can enjoy long-term health and wellness. Dr. Trey is Family Medicine Board Certified and licensed to practice in Colorado and Illinois. She is on the forefront of treatment of hormone imbalance issues in Colorado and is a BioTE Medical certified medical professional.